Sunday, March 04, 2012

Don't 'justify' your life

Recently, I have conducted quite a few trainings for Sales that are generally made up of sales reps and promoters. I notice that some of the participants do not view themselves as important player in their organization. Later, I also noted that many also do not view themselves as 'important figures' in their personal life.

If that guy is a father, how would such thoughts impact his family? How would the kids see him? If that guy is a son, how would the parents take it after all the sacrifices they make to bring him up? The questions continue....

One common word that strikes across all the comments I receive from this group is this extremely vulgar word that kills all opportunities and make the owner rots slowly but surely. The word is 'JUST'.

What they keep doing is to insert this cancerous word in all their life statements. Instead of saying 'I am an employee of my company', they prefer to say 'I am just an employee of this company'. Here is a list of claims I'm sure you have heard before (even we have uttered it sometimes):

I am just a manager here. How can I change anything?
I am just a fresh graduate. How I can add any values?
I am just a father. You expect me to work like a Superman?
I am just a temporary worker. Why should I meddle?
I am just a housewife. What big things can I do?

What they have done is justifying their inaction by adding the word 'just'. In an interesting way, I prefer to call it 'justifying their identities' i.e. the act of adding the word 'just' in their life.

Because of this 'justification', they will continue to drag themselves, happily justifying their lack of actions but unhappily feeling the pain of the injustice in life....far from realizing that they were part of this vicious cycle themselves.

So, dear readers, do not justify your life. You are bigger than what you think and you can be a Show Stopper (that means you are so important that disasters can happen if you are not there).

So, don't JUST BE but be ALL you can BE!