Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Solving Solutions?

The title does sound funny, redundant or probably non-sensical! However, there's a reason for it and this is usually a case of us being so deep in the woods that we see the trees but not the forest itself.

For example, I bought a new house and need money to renovate. Because I need to renovate, I need to sell off some of my shares. But the price is not the best yet. I spoke to an expert in stock markets and he asked me to meet him in 2 week's time to discuss. But I will be traveling by then and he offered to email me his comments instead. But my personal mail is currently down and so I need to use my phone. But I don't know how to activate my MMS and am now trying to solve the mms problem. I called my service provider a few times but the line has always been busy.

Now, what is my actual problem? Service provider, MMS, email, traveling, share price, money or renovation? It could be either one or it could even be all the above.

So, you can see how easy we can get lost in this jungle of events if we are not careful or don’t take time to map and review the series of events.

So, it is aptly to say that sometimes we are trying to 'solve the solution instead of the problem'!!

So, each time we are stuck in a situation, start mapping the events. Ask ourselves what the real issue is to verify if we are trying to solve a problem or solve a ‘solution’. If it's the solution that we are trying to solve, then go back up the map to see what options we can replace for this solution. If no options available, move up one more level. You will be amazed that sometimes we are barking at the wrong tree or looking for an answer in the wrong place. Don't be surprised suddenly someone says to you that ‘hey! You are thinking out of the box!’

As for my renovation case, it’s neither one of the above reasons I have listed. I prefer to treat it as a renovation timing problem and has postponed my renovation for another 4 weeks!
So, let's start solving problems, not solutions!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Maintaining or rotting?

What happen if you leave your car for 2 weeks without driving? It most likely won't start. Keep your leather bags for 6 months in a cupboard and again most likely it goes moldy. Stop using your brain for 10 years? Well...mmm...let's not get into that.

The interesting point here is that 'if you don't use something for a long time, it doesn't mean it remains new. Instead, it rots!!'

It's the same for a car, a bag or a skill. So, when we keep polishing our skills, sometimes we are only maintaining our standard only from rrrrotting.

However, a lot of people have the impression that if we don’t do anything, we are maintaining at where we are...a dangerous misconception indeed!

When we see some experienced colleagues or friends that refuse to upgrade their skills, refuse to change their attitude, refuse to know more, so what’s gonna happen? Slowly but surely, they will rot. So, it is true and also sad to say that ‘maintaining is actually rotting.’

But is that all? Nope, there are more rotting news unfortunately. Not moving anywhere also causes rotting. For a lot of school leavers as well as middle age people, sometimes we do not know where we should be heading in our life. Some of us are busy developing options in this limbo but there are some who will just hang around, enjoying the bliss of ‘que sera sera’. For those who only hang around, it may very well be another form of rotting too!

So, open the window of your heart. Let the fresh air gush into the room and replace the stale rotting air. Open your brain too. Let the creative juice flow in to replace the expired stagnant cholesterol!