Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Control is the cure?

I have many friends including bosses that are on medication for hypertension. According to these guys, 'things are under control' and hence, it's okay to continue with current lifestyle and stress levels. What you need to do is just make sure you take your medicine on time.

I find it amazing as to me, anyone who is prescribed with medication should be a sick person...more so, if the mdeication is supposed to be taken long term. On the contrary, many of these guys choose to think themselves as 'healthy' except for some 'minor' problems like hypertension. If that's the case, when do we conclude a person as unhealthy? When they collapse in the office or when he is in ICU?

This, to me is the ailment of the modern society. Not so much the disease itself but the attitude towards the disease. We always try to find a short cut. Instead of changing our lifestyle, we prefer to find some magical cure that allows us to go on with our current lifestyle, knowing very well that it is unhealthy.

Most people prefer to 'work out' in the physiotherapy clinic instead of the gym
Most people prefer to breath through an oxygen mask instead of through Qigong
Most people choose medication instead of meditation

What is your choice?

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